Why didn't I do this in the first place you might ask? GOOD QUESTION, but had ONE THING actually gone the right way, I would have had my visa in August. I didn't anticipate the problems that would arise so I wasn't in a huge hurry 4 months ago. The difference in applying here or there really isn't much different at all. If I already had my visa before I left then I would just buy a one-way ticket and be done with it. Since I'm waiting till I'm there to apply I had to buy a roundtrip ticket (which was actually a better deal....so something DID work out in my favor!) I will be flying out of OKC at 10:58 am where I will then go to LAX and have an exciting 9-hour layover before I commence a 14-hour flight to NZ. Sounds like a long day to me!
As you might have noticed, I've added a paypal link to the upper right portion of my blog for a more convenient method of contribution! No Pressure people....it's just your soul. (I'm kidding, obviously.)
Speaking of fundraising....It's beginning to pick up, and just in time! Prayer really does work!!! I have enough money now for the first year and I hope year-two funds will start to come in soon!
Over this past weekend I got to spend a lot of time with my family. Everyone (except one brother-in-law ) came to Duncan for my family going away party. Considering there are 26 people in my immediate family I would say we did pretty good getting 25 out of 26 in the same place at the same time. I loved getting to spend the time with all my siblings and the kids playing whiffle ball and watching movies! I got a few going away gifts like a cookbook compiled of family recipes but I think the best thing would have to be a ticket to the World Series game 5 from my brother, Ryan.
As much fun as I have with my friends and family, I'm really excited to see what God has in store for me in the beautiful Tauranga, New Zealand!!!
Yep, that is an active volcano in the town where I will be living. I think those are Great Whites swimming around it too......
*disclaimer: It's 12:55 am and I have no intention of proof reading my blog for errors tonight. SORRY!